Eric Ramsey

Eric Ramsey
Catch Arizona Blues Hall of Famer Eric Ramsey, a master of blues and slide guitar, in an unforgettable performance.

Sandra Bassett & September Soul – canceled
This event has been canceled. Purchased tickets will be refunded.

Summer Sessions – The Sugar Thieves
The Sugar Thieves have been winning fans over worldwide with their high energy, soulful live shows since 2006. Over the years they have honed their brand of American roots music, creating a sound that is all their own.

LP and the Vinyl was born when famed jazz, blues and gospel vocalist Leonard Patton joined forces with the critically adored Danny Green Trio. The band’s wide influences include the best of jazz, rock, R&B, Brazilian music, classical music and ’80s and ’90s tunes. Mixing many styles, LP and The Vinyl has a jazz-forward sound charged with vibrance and emotion.